Welcome to the Foote Clan web site!
This is just an information page, and I have not gotten around to making it look good yet. If you want something that looks nicer, check out my Bittrail site.
I offer hosting web sites for family/friends on this server! If you are a family member and want your own web site like your_name.footeclan.com or your_name.footeclan.org then send me an e-mail.
Web sites currently hosted on FooteClan servers:
- Mrs. Foote's Website (Wendy Foote)
- Alchemical Octives, Alchemy, biofeedback, sound charts, and tons more. (Robert Foote) - mirror of his original website here so that his research and findings are preserved (minus the angelfire banners).
- MIR Foote Author Website (MIR Foote)
- Whitehawk Construction Company (Robin Foote)
Simple-home.com (Jonathan Foote, me) This is a customizable home page, a project I'm working on.
UPDATE: Currently lost in the internet ether.
I'm trying to find an old copy, but in the mean time, I don't own the url any more, and don't know if I still have the code.
If I find it, I will put it back up in it's original form w/o modification.
(no need to improve on it any more, unless someone is actually using it)
I forgot about this project for a while till I saw google's personalized desktop (google.com/ig)
If I spent all my time and resources on the simple-home project, it would be kinda like google.com/ig is today.
I did some research, and it looks like they started developing it about half a year after I first started working on the simple-home site.
- Hosting Services: (Jonathan Foote, this site) I offer hosting services, free to Foote family members, just send me an e-mail at jf@jonathanfoote.com.
Copyright © 2024 Jonathan Foote